Destination development planning and marketing
The firm has been involved in, or responsible for, a wide range of strategic and tactical planning and development work for destinations both internationally and domestically. This work has ranged from large to small geographic areas, from individual tourism sectors to clusters of complementary sectors, and for political regions to tourist defined destination areas. Our market led process for these assignments has evolved over the past 30 years and has been proven through countless applications. Effective industry and community consultation and engagement is a prerequisite to successful outcomes. The following examples illustrate the breadth of the firm’s experience in this area.Ontario
- Town of Lincoln Destination Tourism Strategy and Action Plan 2020 – 2025
- Tourism Plan for South Al Sharqiyah Governorate, Oman (working on the Center for Responsible Travel team)
- Tourism Product Development Strategy, Tourism Northern Ontario
- Tourism Development Strategy Durham Tourism
- Sport Tourism Strategy, Durham Tourism
- Huronia Area Tourism Action Plan
- Prince Edward County Tourism Strategy and 3 Year Marketing Plan
- Wasaga Beach Tourism Strategy
- City of Toronto Tourism Investment Strategy
- Niagara-on-the-Lake – Old Town Vision and Dock Area Secondary Plan 2 (working as sub-consultant to Urban Strategies)
- Tourism Investment Attraction Strategy for the Ministry of Tourism (working in association with HLT Advisory)
- Five Year Tourism Action Plan, City of Toronto (working in partnership with Cameron Hawkins & Associates and KPMG)
- Getaway County Tourism Partnership Strategy
- Welland Recreational Canal Master Plan
- Niagara Falls Tourist Area Development Strategy (working as sub-consultants with Berridge Lewinburg Greenberg Dark Gabor Ltd)
- Huron North Heritage & Ecotourism Strategy
- Lands for Life: Resource–Based Tourism Background Reports – Boreal East, Boreal West, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence
- Archaeological Conservation and Management Strategy for Waterfront Toronto
- Lake Nipigon First Nation Regional Tourism Strategy
- Tourism Assessment of the Gravel River Planning Area for the Ministry of Natural Resources
- Niagara Falls Heritage Master Plan, Ontario (working as sub-consultant with Carl Bray & Associates)
Nova Scotia
- Shelburne County Tourism Destination Development Plan, Nova Scotia
- Yarmouth & Acadian Shores Destination Development Plan, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
- Pictou Waterfront and Heritage Quay Tourism Development Plan (working as sub-consultant with SGE Acres)
- Prince Edward Island Central Coastal Drive Marketing Strategy, Prince Edward Island
- Strategic Framework for Saskatchewan Tourism Development, Saskatchewan
- Strategic Tourism Plan for Regina, Saskatchewan
- Adventure and Ecotourism Strategy for the Province of Manitoba
- Manitoba Agritourism Development Strategy
Newfoundland & Labrador
- Tourism Destination Development Plan for Labrador
- GMIST Sustainable Tourism Course Development and Delivery, Newfoundland
- Community-Based Tourism Plan for Rigolet Labrador
- Newfoundland South Coast Regional Tourism Development Strategy
- Labrador South Coast Tourism Strategic Plan (working as sub-consultant with SGE Acres)
- Economic, Tourism and Communications Strategy for Mt Pearl (working as sub-consultant to Sierra Planning & Management)
New Brunswick
- Miramichi Historic Water Street Tourism Potential Assessment (working as sub-consultant with Hatch Acres)
- Assessment of Commercial Tourism Development Opportunities for Calling Lake Provincial Park (working as sub-consultant to Sierra Planning & Management)
- Aboriginal Tourism Visitor Preference Research Study for Alberta Department of Economic Development
- Tourism Investment Opportunity Assessment for the Regional Economic Development Initiative for Northwest Alberta (working as sub-consultant for Sierra Planning & Management)
- Alberta Ecotourism Assessment
- Assessment of Commercial Tourism Development Opportunities in Lesser Slave Lake Provincial Park (working as sub-consultant to Sierra Planning & Management)
- Assessment of Commercial Tourism Development Opportunities for Lake McGregor Provincial Recreation Area (working as sub-consultant to Sierra Planning & Management)
- Tourism Investment Opportunities Assessment for the Mighty Peace Region (working as sub-consultant to Sierra Planning & Management)
- Conservation Areas Tourism Fund Plan
- National Heritage Tourism Strategy, Canada
- Promotions Strategy for Parks Canada (working as sub-consultant to Veritas Communications)
- New York Multi-Season Destination Tourism Development Study, New York State
- Special Purpose Spatial Plan of Durmitor Area, Montenegro (working as sub-consultants to IBI Group)
- Waterways & Wineries Tourism Strategy, New York State (in association with Development Planning Services)