D’Arcy McKittrick, M.B.A.

D’Arcy has worked as a tourism industry management consultant for more than 30 years, and most recently shifted to full-time teaching at Fleming College (Project Management, Post Graduate Certificate), as well as Trent University (Geography of Tourism, Undergraduate). For a short time (1988-1992) he was the General Manager of a four seasons, five stars Ontario golf and conference resort.
In successfully completing more than 250 assignments for private and public sector clients in the tourism industry, D’Arcy has provided tourism development planning, market research, market and financial feasibility studies, business planning, and economic benefits analysis services. He has worked in all provinces of Canada, parts of the United States, the Caribbean, South America, Europe and Africa on a broad range of projects including: natural heritage attractions, ecotourism programs and facilities, cultural heritage attractions, First Nations tourism development, resort hotels and resort communities, golf courses, cruise ships, mixed use tourism and retail developments, waterfront tourism/retail developments, amusement parks, performing arts facilities, indoor swimming pools and arenas, and tourism information centres. In addition, D’Arcy has undertaken regional tourism development and marketing strategy studies for municipal, provincial/state, and federal government clients in Canada and the United States, as well as the International Development Bank in the Caribbean and South America. D’Arcy has been able to combine his passion for bicycle touring with consulting while working on a number of bicycle tourism development projects in Ontario.
He now lends his guidance and insights to consulting projects on an as-need basis.